I would like to emphasize on the fact that the Summer Language Abroad program helped me see other people’s culture from a different perspective. It was beyond what I had imagined before my arrival. I had hoped to learn more about my environment, meet new people and get fully immersed in the culture generally, not only the language. I compared my experiences with stereotypes and other cultures I have experienced in order to comprehend better. For example, the stereotype of French women not being fat is really true. I could count the number of women who looked fat but in actual sense were merely “big”. Also, I can attest to the fact that France, and not just Paris, is a country of love. In the city where I lived, I could see couples everywhere, holding hands, and talking to each other lovingly- most especially during the evenings. The Napoleon Park was also a destination for couples with its kiosk beckoning them to dance.
When compared to American culture, I noticed that the French are stricter when it comes to cutting down on waste and recycling. It is so evident to the point that the government banned the sale of bulbs which consume electricity, in order to reduce the amount of electricity consumed in homes. The list goes on and on, restriction of the use of water, plastics, limitation on the use of nylon bags in stores- most people bring their own shopping bags to the supermarket or malls to make purchases, so they do not get charged for shopping bags.
At the end of my stay, I can confidently say that I have learnt a lot about the city where I lived, and I had picked some values from them. I learnt how to eat their food and appreciate their uniqueness, cut down on my water consumption and became more intentional about recycling wastes. It is indeed an experience that has become a culture.