A Bump in the Road: Sharing the Roads in Siena

At the time of writing this, I have had the pleasure of spending six awesome days in Siena, Italy! Siena is a very beautiful city with a blend of charm, deep cultural traditions, and a strong sense of identity, and I can’t wait to continue to explore Siena in the coming weeks. However, although I am truly enjoying my study abroad experience and quickly feeling at home in this amazing town, I have encountered a cultural difference that has occasionally left me feeling uneasy while here in Siena.

In the heart of Siena, both pedestrians and drivers share the same road. Moreover, these shared roads are without defined traffic boundaries, therefore having no designated lanes for motor vehicles, nor dedicated sidewalks for pedestrians. As a result, the pedestrians and cars coexist on the same road, and remain in close proximity to one another. This road infrastructure starkly contrasts the more segregated streets that I am familiar with back in the United States. This dissimilarity has occasionally made me feel apprehensive to walk along these Siena streets, since I prioritize the safety of myself and my friends. Moreover, the narrowness and blind corners of these Siena streets only intensifies this feeling of nervousness from remaining so close to these vehicles.

However, sharing the road with cars has produced some unexpected benefits. This unique experience has allowed me to increase my environmental awareness while here in Siena. It serves as a constant reminder to remain vigilant, which is especially useful as a tourist in a foreign country. Furthermore, remaining vigilant helps me to reduce the risk of falling victim to common tourist perils such as pickpocketing.

Countdown to Siena: My Expectations

In just one week, I will be leaving my home in Pennsylvania and embarking on an incredible journey to Siena, Italy! I am very excited to travel abroad, and the anticipation of this experience has given me the opportunity to reflect on my expectations for what lies ahead.

Envisioning about my upcoming journey to Siena, Italy, most importantly, I expect to have lots of fun! This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will allow me to see breathtaking sites, learn about the rich history and culture of Italy, eat delicious food, and form meaningful connections with new friends. From discussions with my SLA peers and faculty, it has reinforced my belief that study abroad is such a transformative time for college students. 

Secondly, another expectation I have for my study abroad experience is to be pushed outside of my comfort zone, especially when utilizing my Italian language skills. In my Italian language courses at Notre Dame, I feel comfortable making mistakes in front of my peers, since we are all learning the language together. However, being surrounded by native speakers in Siena, I feel anxious to make mistakes in front of them. Moreover, in the classrooms at Notre Dame, I have the luxury of falling back on English to express ideas that are beyond my current proficiency level. However, in Siena, I may not have this same luxury, since many locals of Siena do not know English. Yet, I am sure that this discomfort will ultimately allow for significant improvement in my Italian language skills!

Overall, I am eagerly awaiting this extraordinary journey to the amazing city of Siena, Italy. The prospects of adventure and cultural immersion have filled me with excitement. Furthermore, despite the potential challenges that may arise in navigating the Italian language, I am ready to confront them head-on. These challenges will not only boost my linguistic abilities, but also contribute to my personal growth as an individual.