Wow! It has indeed been a really memorable experience in France. One fact that remains is that I got to understand the French better. I was able to compare what I have heard about them and make a comparison with what I was experiencing, and I have come to the conclusion that some, if not most, of the stereotypes about the French are true. For example, France is the home of fashion, food and wine.
I came into Vichy, France at a time when they were preparing for Napoleon III’s celebration which lasted a few days. It was a beautiful experience with the parade and all. Shortly after, we celebrated music in France. My host sister and I walked from one part of the city to another, listening to different types of music. It was an entertaining experience.
From the excitement of travelling into France for the first time to being awed by the celebrations, I gradually settled into a routine; wake up for prayers/reflections, bathe, have breakfast, walk to school listening to an audio player, have classes till afternoon, sign up for activities previewed for that week, attend the ones that are imminent, have lunch, visit the city, return home, have dinner while listening to the news and having conversations with the host family, call friends and family, work, bathe and sleep. On Sundays, I attended mass at St. Blaise. At some point, I think it felt monotonous.
Surely, I met new people as the school welcomes students from all over the world; Latin America; Mexicans, Americans, Asia; Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indians, Pakistanis, Europe; Spanish, Germans, Italians, Irish, Africa; Francophone Africans. Towards the end of my stay, I began to feel more involved in activities and recognized in class, mostly after my participation in an event that involved representing one’s country in a cooking event titled “La degustation de plats internationaux”. I did very well, and many people wanted to meet with me. I was elated. I still am whenever I think about it.
As the saying goes, “whatever that has a beginning, surely has an end”, it gradually began to dawn on me that I was leaving the area soon. At this point, I had gotten used to the system and made quite a number of acquaintances. I had also improved my oral communication as well. I made a quick visit to Paris as a way to mark the end of my stay. I visited the Louvres Museum, the National Assembly, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel tower, and generally walked around Paris.
I enjoyed my stay thanks to the school, Pole University- Cavilam and my host family who were a fun and lively couple.
I am forever grateful to my sponsors and the CSLC department for giving me the opportunity to experience this level of exposure. I have really gained a lot.
Thank you so much.