Hello! My name is John Hammerschmitt. This summer, I will be traveling to Leipzig, Germany in the hopes of advancing my knowledge of the language and the culture. Ultimately, I hope to live and work in Germany and spend most of my life there. However, there is a lot of time and experience needed before that dream comes to fruition, so I’ll focus on this summer throughout these blogs.
When I was 8 years old my family and I moved to Japan for my dad’s work. I lived there for 3 years while attending an international school. I played the same sports as other Americans, learned the same subjects, and even ate some of the same food. But I learned so much about other cultures and how to interact and learn about them. I learned about Japanese, Chinese, Australian, and other Asian cultures throughout my time there. Those 3 years were the best of my life, and I will never forget those experiences. Plus, I believe it was in Japan that I developed a love of language, travel, and foreign cultures.
Because of my time in Japan, I had a more inclusive and understanding childhood. I could relate to other cultures slightly more than other people in my grade, and had experience with foreign language that shaped my learning. However, I still lack many skills necessary for my dream, and hope to learn more about German and its rich culture during my time in Leipzig.
Specifically, I want to build confidence in my knowledge of both the language and the culture. I hope to be able to speak without hesitation and start to process conversations in my head in German. This is a big goal for me because it will demonstrate what I have learned both because of schooling and my immersion in the culture. I also hope to explore Germany and learn about its history and people. I imagine I will be taking the train to many German cities, both small and large, to get the biggest picture possible. I’m looking forward to my experience in Germany, and can’t wait to get there!
Auf Wiedersehen, John