Hello everyone, my name is Andy Loughran and welcome to my blog post as I study for six weeks this summer in Tours, France. As this trip approaches and I prepare for my time abroad, I face both feelings of excitement and nervousness—excitement to travel and experience France while testing my language skills and nervousness about adjusting to the unknowns of a host family and a different culture and language.
I’ve taken French classes for over five years now (four years of high school and one year of college) and this will be my first time in a French-speaking country. My love for learning French started in high school as I saw the way language can shape community. The community of French students at my school was very small, but the bonds we shared due to that shared language made me feel like a part of a unique and tight knit community.
Through my courses at Notre Dame, I’ve realized that the French language can act as a gateway to learning about art, history, and psychology by understand the formative structure of language in this disciplines.
Beyond just learning the French language, I want to use this experience to grow and by the end of the summer be able to understand French cognition and culture and learn to adapt to new culture and surroundings.
Interestingly, the French and American share some similar values like freedom of expression and religion but use different reasoning to reach those ideals and thus live them out in different ways. I was to use these six to speak with French citizens to understand where some of their national beliefs come from and compare it to my own American values and cognitions.
Personally, I also want to use this time to truly learn to adapt to a new cultural environment. As a native English speaker who’s only ever lived in the United States, I have rarely had the challenge of adjust to a different people or culture. With my time abroad, I want to test myself to experience the uncomfortable feeling of adjusting to a foreign culture and environment and learn to appreciate the way both culture can be a part of my time abroad.
I truly hope this summer will be the experience of a lifetime, and I can’t wait to share the journey here on this blog. On y va!