What do you think?
(Dégustation des plats internationaux)
At my first dinner with my host family, I noticed that the table was set formally- plates, knives, forks and tablespoons then, my host mother placed what she called the entrée/appetizer before us. I was surprised because I actually expected a bowl of food (main), plates with spoons beside.
After the entrée, we had the main dish during which everyone except me employed the services of their knives. We were having salads and bread. Instead of using my knife to shred the salad and bread, I used my fork and my hands to fill my bread and ate with my hands. She looked at me and said, “Les Américains préfèrent utiliser les mains parce qu’ils mangent vite” (Americans prefer to eat with their hands because they eat fast. I tried to tell her that I am not really good at using cutlery but her husband continued by saying “C’est pareil. Les Américains mangent des burgers avec les mains, ils aiment les burgers et ils mangent beaucoup avec les doigts” (It is similar. Americans eat burgers with their hands. They love burgers and they eat with their fingers a lot. And finally, we had déssert/dessert.
All the while, I couldn’t take my mind off the fact that they believed Americans lived on burgers. It was almost as though Americans were synonymous to Burgers.
Considering the fact that they have never been to America, I believe their theory was incited by American movies. If we go by that channel of information, they could be right depending on the movies they have seen. Most times in comedies, high school movies, and others, the actors are mostly seen eating burgers, in a hurry and of course with their hands. I thought about how that discovery made me feel, I definitely did not feel bad because I reminded myself that circumstances shape our culture as humans. Most times, they are learnt involuntarily. We just grow up behaving the way we do because of the society we found ourselves in.
As at the time I sat down to write this, I was commended for my cutlery skills. I barely use my hands to eat anymore.
When asked about American food, the first word that comes to mind is bland. As an American student, I have ascertained that American food is bland. Most times, one has to choose Mexican in order to get a tasty meal. On the other hand, the French have more tasty meals. It would not be out of place to say that they are among the best globally. With my host family, I discovered it is possible to not repeat a meal in one whole month. I really cannot say Americans have many options when it comes to food recipes considering the fact that they also use French recipes.