Humans at the Extremes

Level: Junior & Senior – I have also run this as a Freshmen Seminar

Description: The Arctic Circle, Mount Everest, the Sahara Desert, poverty, and obesity, and even space! These are all extremes some humans experience. Using primary literature and pop culture resources, this course will explore how humans have biologically, culturally, and technologically overcome these extremes. Through this use of mixed media we will also discuss how the media misrepresents and misreports scientific studies, making us all more discerning consumers of information. You will be expected to compare and contract different types of resources for each topic covered. You will also be expected to work within a group to explore a human extreme of your own choosing and present it to the class.

Humans at Extremes Fall 2022 Syllabus

Humans at the Extremes Spring 2019 Syllabus

Humans at Extremes Spring 2020 Syllabus