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Category Archive for 'Readings'

  The final MFA reading of the spring 2016 semester will take place Wednesday, March 16, 2016, so don’t miss out on your last chance to hear our own talented emerging writers read their creative works! The reading will take place in 207 Debartolo Hall  at 7:30 pm, and will feature first year poet Kelsey […]

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  Come one, come all to the Geddes Hall Coffee House on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to hear first year fiction writer Sarah Snider and first year poets Zack Anderson and Chris Muravez read their creative works!   About these readers:   Zack Anderson’s poems drizzle investigations of masculinity, pop culture, and embodied being with a […]

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Martin Ott, 2015 winner of Notre Dame’s Sandeen Prize, will read for the Notre Dame community on February 17, 2015! Come one, come all to the Hammes Bookstore at 7:30 pm! The reading is free and open to the public. About Martin Ott: In Underdays, Martin Ott writes a book about love and war in poems that […]

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  Paul Cunningham received his M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Notre Dame last May, and was the recipient of the 2015 Sparks Prize Fellowship!   He will read his work for the Notre Dame community on Wednesday, February 10,  7:30 pm at the Hammes Bookstore. Come prepared to have your socks knocked off!   […]

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The Creative Writing program is back for another exciting semester of readings! This semester the MFA Graduate Reading Series will feature first year MFA candidates. The first event will take place on February 3 at 7:30 PM in the Great Hall of O’Shaughnessy, and will feature fiction writers Taeyin and Tania Sarfraz, as well as poet […]

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  I hope to see you all this Wednesday, December 9, 2015, at 7:30 PM in the Geddes Hall Coffee House to hear second year MFA candidates Suzi F. Garcia, Tony Messina, and Matt Pelkey read their creative works! Suzi F. Garcia, Tony Messina, and Matt Pelkey work across diverse and vibrant interests, bringing together boundaries commonly conceived […]

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Come out to Geddes Hall Café on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 7:30 PM to hear the work of three 2nd-year MFA candidates: fiction writers Evan Harris and Kyle Muntz, and poet Ae Hee Lee. These writers span the spectrum in their interests and preoccupations: Evan Harris writes fiction and essays. His work-in-progress includes a […]

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  The Creative Writing Program is proud to present the second event of the fall 2015 MFA Graduate Reading Series!   This reading will feature second year MFA student and fiction writer Bret Nye and second year MFA students and poets Nichole Riggs and Alethea Tusher. Come out to Debartolo 207 this Wednesday, November 18th, […]

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true poets and artists know where language ends, which is why they go there… -John Yau Poet, critic, and professor John Yau of Rutgers University will read on Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 at the Hammes Bookstore on Notre Dame’s campus. Yau’s newest collection of poems, Further Adventures in the Monochrome, presses “language to its limit—not to mention […]

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“Plain and simple, I hope, in a fairy tale way: in fairy tales it is often the humble to whom magic is revealed.” -Kate Bernheimer (Brothers & Beasts: An Anthology of Men on Fairy Tales) Once upon a time Kate Bernheimer came to the University of Notre Dame. It was a lovely unseasonably warm November […]

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