Under the Tuscan Sun

I cannot believe my first week in Siena has come and gone. I was so anxious to arrive in this beautiful city, and I can’t describe how welcoming my home and the locals have been. Siena is very small compared to what I was imagining. It seems that after only a week of living here, I see the same people at the market, near school, and at night getting dinner. I love this aspect. It’s like I feel as though I have lived here for years!

My first week at school was overwhelming at first, but then I came to the fact that I have mastered the language much better than I believe. I was placed into la classe superiore, which is the highest level attainable. Right now we are discussing Italian film through short readings and listening activities. I love this topic, and it has made studying the language even more fun for me!

I have been proud of the little accomplishments I have made, like calling my driver from the airport to make arrangements and speaking only in Italian. My host family and I have deep conversations at dinner about politics, music, and the nightlife. I have made friends with several locals, and we have arranged to meet for lunch or daily strolls throughout the city. They have been so helpful to me in learning colloquialisms and correcting or complimenting my accent and grammar.

This week I took a trip to the market with my class. We talked to the vendors, ordered food, and I even bought a new straw bag for my trip! I also saw some lovely flowers. I love flower shops and I took the opportunity to learn the names of some of my favorite flowers in Italian!

My class also visited the Santa Maria della Scala Archaeological Museum so we could discuss Etruscan and Roman art. The upstairs balcony overlooks Siena in the most charming way, and I couldn’t help but take a photo.

This week in my studies I am going to focus on using the language outside of class every day in a new way. For example, I am always trying to order new things on the menu at restaurants or chatting with the couple next to me at dinner in Italian. I learn best when I am speaking more, so perhaps this week I will learn something new about my waiter or ask about my professor’s life when they were my age!

