日本 and the US

In order to find out how local Japanese people view the US, I interviewed the two members of my host family and a teacher from the kindergarten my host mom works at.

When asked what the first thing to pop into their minds about the US was, two out of the three said the Statue of Liberty. They also mentioned other famous landmarks, such as the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. When asked hw they felt about the US, mostly I got very positive responses. They said things like they love or like the US, and that it seems very “cool” to them. They also said it was somewhere they would like to travel. One person also said that when they think about the US, they think of how much larger it is than Japan, and also that they are jealous that the houses are much larger in Japan.

When they were asked about possible things they disliked about the US, biggest answer I received was about the fact that people are allowed to carry guns in the US. My host family expressed the sentiment that they thought this is a dangerous practice, and wished that it was different. Someone also said they thought the portion sizes in the US were extremely large, and that when they are in the US they can ever finish their meals.

We started talking about some of the cultural differences between Japan and the US, and something that my host family said they really like about the US is that there is equality between men and women. They said that in Japanese culture, women and men still are considered quite equal, and they like the fact that men and women are seen in the same light in the US. Another cultural difference mentioned in one interview was that they think Americans are open-minded. They said that because the US is so big and has so many different kinds of people, the people there are much more open-minded and willing to accept people who are different. One person said that Americans are less judgmental due to the openness in the US.

Finally, the both teachers said that they liked the American education system better than the Japanese one. One of them said it is due the fact that it is more varied and less rigid than the Japanese system. One said it is more open to individualism, which is something they appreciate.

Overall, the interviews were really interesting for seeing how people from a different country view the US and US citizens. It was fun to do, and afterwards we switched and they wanted to know what I thought about Japanese culture and its quirks. I really enjoyed all the conversations we had and it was an interesting opportunity for cultural exchange.






Hakodate いか!

Yesterday, I went out to eat with my host family for the last time to a sushi restaurant. One of the kinds of sashimi we ordered was the Ika (“squid”) sashimi. Ika is a local Hakodate specialty, and the squid serves as a sort of mascot for the city as well. In the Hakodate Asaichi (“morning market”), there is even a tank of live squid where customers can pay to catch their own squid, which will then be freshly prepared on the spot into sashimi. When I visited the market two weeks ago with my host family, I watched a crowd of people queue up to get a chance to catch their own squid for breakfast!

I asked some questions about the local specialty dish, ika sashimi, in order to find our more about how it is made and what distinguishes good from bad ika. The restaurant was quite busy, so I also supplemented some of the answers from the staff of the restaurant with answers from my host family.

The best way to prepare Ika sashimi is to cut it extremely fast, because the hands are warm, and holding the squid to long makes it less fresh because of the heat from the hands. The best way is to cut it up while it is still alive. The best ika sashimi is as fresh as possible, and the only ingredient is the raw squid meat. It is served with pickled ginger and they suggested dipping the ika in soy sauce mixed with the pickled ginger.

The best ika is really clear and see through, while bad or less fresh ika is white or cloudy. Good ika also has a very fresh chewy, almost rubbery texture. It makes a certain noise when you chew it. Bad ika is more soft and slimy, and has a more gooey texture.

The reason Ika is so popular locally is because the ocean in between the city of Hakodate and Aomori on Honshu has lots of really delicious squid in it. This city makes quite a bit of its living off of the port, and specifically the squid that come in from the fishing boats in the port.

Squid is a huge part of this city’s identity. My host family told me that one of the number one things Japanese people know Hakodate for is squid. There is even the Ika Odori (“Squid Dance”) that everyone who grows up here knows. My friends and I actually learned it for the Port Festival last week and did it in the parade last Friday.

There are also tons of squid themed shops, souvenirs, and other foods available for tourists and locals alike. All in all, squid is an important aspect of Hakodate culture, food, and history, and the city would not be the same without it.





Churches and Hakodate

In Hakodate, there are several historic churches in the sightseeing district of the city. Among the three or four churches, there is the Motomachi Catholic Church, which my host family and I frequent on Sunday. In Hakodate, there are three Catholic Churches, but only two priests to say Mass. As such, the priests alternate churches every week. These churches are fairly small, and lots of the members know each other very well.

In Japan, Christians are part of the religious minority, as the large majority of the Japanese population identifies as Shinto or Buddhist. As this is hugely different from the United States, I was very interested to see how this affected my host family’s identity as Japanese people and their social identity. I wanted to see how it differs from my experiences as a Catholic in the US, where the religious majority is heavily Christian. I interviewed my host family to ask them how they felt about being in the social and religious minority as a Catholic.

First, I asked how they felt about being in the religious minority. They told me that because there is freedom of religion in Japan, they feel that they are treated much the same as everyone else. They explained that when they inform other people they are Catholic, they do not get any special kind of reaction, and instead feel as if their treatment is very normal. They said that although their church is extremely small, and they know quite a lot of the people there, they still feel as if the community is not closed off from the rest of the community. They told me they are very open to the community and have both Catholic and non-Catholic friends and acquaintances.

I was interested to find out how similar their experiences theirs were to mine as a Catholic. It was interesting to see that even being largely outnumbered almost 10 to 1 they said their social identity was not particularly affected. I was very excited to find out more about Catholicism in Japan, and was really glad we had an opportunity to discuss their cultural experiences in conjunction with their religious ones.



Daily Life at Nanzan University

While thinking about the topic for this blog post, I realized that a lot of people don’t have a good grasp of the daily routines and activities during study abroad programs. I know that I personally came to Nanzan with no clue how my day’s would go.

For my program, you can choose to do either homestay or dorm life. Both have their pros and cons, and I actually got to experience both during my time here. For homestay, you’ll typically live quite a ways from school. Thus, as is typical in Japan, a long commute is required. For me, I had to take two subway lines and a bus, plus a 10 minute walk to get to and from school. All in all, it usually took around an hour and 15-30 minutes, depending on whether I could switch trains fast enough. During this time, I recommend you study for the daily quizzes or review useful vocab. It’s a bit hard to do actual homework during the trip during the trip since it’s not usually the smoothest ride.

Some of the best parts of homestay are the authentic Japanese dinners and the interesting conversations with your host family. If you want to improve fast and get a real experience of Japanese home life, homestay’s the best way to go. Last year, thanks to my host family, I gained a real grasp of colloquial Japanese phrases and the Japanese life style. They can also help with any issues you run into during your study abroad.

On the other hand, I recommend dorm life for people with experience in their target country. Despite the benefits of homestay, there is a certain element of restriction on the types of activities you can experience during your time abroad. Just like with any family, there are curfews and rules that you need to maintain as a member. If you’re interested in hanging out with local university students a lot or want to be more in control of your time, dorm life is more suitable for that kind of experience. It’s also easier to make friends and spend time with them in the dorms.

Apart from the living accomodations, your typical day consists of classes in the morning with free time in the afternoon. Every other week, we have field trips after our Wednesday class. For summer study abroad, we usually have more homework than at Notre Dame, although it usually wasn’t any more difficult. I recommend doing the homework together with a Japanese friend, so that they can help you discover which phrases are natural and which aren’t used very often. In exchange, you can help them with English homework.

At Nanzan, I spend a lot of time at World Plaza and Japan Plaza. World Plaza is a place where any language BUT Japanese can be spoken. Since Nanzan has a lot of students studying foreign languages, it is a great place to become friends with local university students. On the other hand, Japan Plaza is a location where you can only speak Japanese and thus is really helpful for conversation practice.

Outside of those set activities, I usually get in touch with my Nanzan friends and other foreign exchange students to go out to eat or have fun together. Some of these activities include the following: day trips to nearby towns, late night runs to the arcade, club trips on Fridays, and shopping. It really just depends on your interests what you decide to do during this time.

That should cover the general schedule I follow for my study abroad. Until next time,

Logan Yokum

Hakodate Port Festival

This week in Hakodate, the Hakodate Minato Matsuri (“Port festival”) is held. It includes an hourlong fireworks show held in the Bay Area on Wednesday, attended by throngs of people wearing summer yukata. I watched these fireworks from my host mom’s workplace, a kindergarten with a nice view of the port. On Thursday, there is a large parade through the Bay Area and stalls for food are set up for the parade-goers. Today, Friday, there is a second parade in a different part of the city, where I will do the Ika Odori (“Squid Dance”) along with many other groups and companies.

In order to find out more about this week’s festival and holidays, I went to the local Motomachi tourism office to ask what the festival is about. At the tourism office, I received a map and information about the different parade routes through the city. The festival is a yearly one according to the office. They also informed me there would be different special events held, but did not give me very much background information on the origins of the festival or why it is held yearly. Due to the fact that it is a tourism office, their approach was primarily focused on tourism rather than history.

Later the same day, I repeated my questions to my host mother in an effort to see how someone in a non-official capacity would explain the festival. She gave me a surprisingly lengthy rundown of the history and told me almost nothing about the actual events that take place. She informed me that the festival is held due to Hakodate being one of the first places in Japan to open its port to non-Japanese ships, and so the port festival commemorates that opening and the coming of Matthew Perry, an American who contributed to its opening to other countries.

The festival has extreme cultural significance to Hakodate, as embedded in this city’s identity is the port and the goods provided by it. The largest difference between the accounts I received regarding the festival was the focus of each one. The tourism office clearly prioritized informing me about the special events that bring visitors, while my host mom wanted to tell me about the history of Hakodate, something she is proud of as someone who grew up here.

Japanese Food

Conbini (Japanese Convenience Store)

If there’s one thing you learn to love upon arriving in Japan, it’s the Japanese convenience stores. They are located everywhere and are probably somewhat comparable to Walmart in the US. Everyone on study abroad is amazed by them. They have everything you could want – good, fresh food; ATMs; school supplies; letters and stamps; and all sorts of random, everyday items. They even sell some clothes. While they are slightly more expensive than a grocery store, they really embody the word convenience.

Takoyaki (Octopus Snack)

Recently, with the help of some Japanese friends, we made Takoyaki at the dorms. It was really fun and simple to make them. First, you poured the batter into a pan with half-sphere shapes in the pan. Then, you cut up an octopus tentacle into little pieces and put one into each spot. After waiting for the pieces to solidify, you then use a toothpick and very carefully flip the half-spheres over. After solidifying on both sides, they’re ready to eat. You can often buy them from street vendors at festivals.

Miso Katsu (Pork in Miso Sauce)

A Nagoya specialty, miso katsu is one of my favorites. Although it’s rather simple, the miso sauce adds such a unique taste to the fried pork strips. There are some restaurants that specialize in this dish here, such as Yabaton.

こんにちは! from Nagoya, Japan

Greetings everyone from Japan!!

I’m Logan Yokum and a sophomore studying Computer Science and Japanese at Notre Dame. Currently, I am participating in my second summer study abroad experience in Japan at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan. Last summer, I participated in a language and cultural study program in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, through the Hokkaido International Foundation. While I very much enjoyed my time in Hakodate last summer, I have found my experience at Nanzan this year to be even better than I could have ever expected.

From my time in Japan last summer, I have discovered that the most enjoyable aspect of language study for me has been the friendships that I have made with native speakers. Last summer, during a trip to Sapporo, Japan, I had an opportunity to talk with local university students at Hokusei University about my experiences during my study abroad program. Although my Japanese was rather poor during that time, the students nevertheless listened intently to what I had to say and worked around the deficiencies in my study. Even after returning to America, I have kept in touch with many of the students I met; and we practice both Japanese and English together every now and then over Skype. Thanks to their great kindness, I was able to improve my conversational Japanese to the point where I can talk with natives about pop culture and my interests (although I still struggle with topics such as politics and science due to my limited vocabulary).

Thanks to the SLA grant, I have been able to be converse with local university students everyday after class in the Japan Plaza and Stella multicultural lounge in Nanzan University. By discussing ideas and opinions with these students, I have been able to forge countless friendships and connections across cultures. Since I plan to work in Japan as a programmer after graduation, I think that these relationships will be invaluable in order to acclimate to the cultural differences between Japan and America. Additionally, through the help of my many friends, I have been able to study colloquial Japanese that is not often used within the classroom environment.

Going forward, I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with all of you through this blog about my time here!


Logan Yokum

First Host Family

Time flies fast. HIF assigned me two host families for my stay here in Hakodate, so I just recently moved into a new house a few days ago. Second semester will start tomorrow, and to say I’m ready for the homework and daily quizzes would be a lie.

It’s been a month here, and I’ve made some irreplaceable memories. I actually want to dedicate this post to my previous host family, since I am no longer living with them for the remainder of my time here in Hakodate.

Our first outing: We went strawberry picking on a cloudy Sunday morning to early afternoon, and although the strawberries were a bit small, they were very delicious.

The boys played with their friends while I tagged along with my host mother and sister. I remember picking and eating the strawberries constantly, so my tray never filled to the top. I could definitely sense the communal aspect that came along with strawberry picking because people from various areas all joined together in this activity. Some individuals even spoke to me, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Aside from making gyoza and takoyaki (mentioned in my first post), I also had the chance to make bread and pizza! やっぱり作った料理の方が美味しいね〜!Making food was a simple but fun way to bond with my host family and exchange interesting conversations. I definitely want to try these activities with my own family when I go back to America! They’re very easy to make and super delicious as well~!!

Because of the homework load, I couldn’t play with the children as much as I would like to. However, every night before they went to bed, we would play in my room for approximately 30 minutes. Our games ranged from hide-and-seek, blue demon, and zombie tag. It was fun but also a lot of work. Sometimes I can’t keep up with their energy.

July 7th is a special holiday in Japan called Tanabata. On this day, people write their wishes on a slip of paper and hang it on a bamboo tree. In Hakodate specifically, young children are able to go to nearby houses and stores and receive gifts. There’s a special Tanabata song that they sing in order to receive their snacks and/or toys. It reminded me a lot of Halloween, and running along with my host sister and host grandmother was so much fun! My host grandmother talked to me so much, and though I couldn’t understand everything she said, I was able to comprehend the overall meaning. I’m not a talkative person in general, so I appreciated that she spoke to me majority of the time. Besides, she was always laughing and smiling, so I greatly enjoyed her presence. I don’t think I can ever experience a Tanabata like this one since it is special only to the city of Hakodate.

The last family outing that we had was at an izakaya, which is an informal pub. We were placed in a separate non-smoking room that had toys for the children, and it was so much fun! Definitely one of the best nights 🙂 We were able to order unlimited food for the price of 30 dollars, karaoke our hearts out, and dance to the music. The highlight of the night was when my host parents sang I just can’t wait to be king. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I really can’t describe my feelings in words when it comes to my previous host family. I’m so grateful for everything that they have done for me. I wish I can write all the memories down in this post, but it would be so long and, unfortunately, do it no justice. Although I lived with them for only a month, they’ve grown to be a comfortable presence. I feel like myself with them. (They know that I love taking naps more than I like studying). I hope that you, the reader, can understand these feelings I’m trying to convey (though done poorly). Thank you so much Ishii-san <3 I cannot wait to visit you again in the nearby future.

Weeks 1-2


Haneda airport in Tokyo

I have been in Japan for almost two weeks and I finally feel as if I am getting settled in. When I first arrived the Wednesday before last in the Haneda (Tokyo) airport, I had started to get very nervous, as there was this transition in landing there from seeing mostly English to mostly Japanese. Then, once I arrived in the significantly smaller Hakodate airport the amount of English dropped down to pretty much zero, as did the number of people speaking English. Those first few days were a bit nerve-racking what with not having spoken Japanese all that much for almost a month and it definitely gave my confidence a shake, but since then I can say that it has been all uphill.

The group from HIF met at the airport and then spent the first few hours getting carted around from the train station to the tram station and then finally to the youth hostel where we stayed for the first two nights of our stay here in Hakodate. I was able to get acquainted with some of the other students and we were all given passes to the nearby traditional onset for baths for the night. It was a really interesting experience and definitely very different from anything back in the US, but I can say that I would gladly go again because it was also extremely relaxing. In the onset there was also even a restaurant, where we were able to get our first meal in Hakodate outside of the hostel!

I met my host family consisting of two sisters that weekend and got to unpack and relax, and on Monday classes began. They have been pretty great so far, even with having class three hours a day. We get to do an Independent Study project where we can explore things we are interested about Japanese culture, and so I am going to look into different sports and ways to exercise around Hakodate, such as martial arts, hiking, or swimming.

Along those lines, I tried kendo and kyudo last week! Kyudo was really hard because the arrows just kind of went into the grass. I only hit one target (and it was the wrong one three targets over) but it was awesome to watch the high school kids do it really well. Kendo was super fun because I got to wear a cool outfit (pictured!), yell, and swing a wooden sword around. It was kinda scary at first because we were just hitting the sensei in the head repeatedly, which was mildly worrisome, but after we all adjusted it was pretty great.

This last weekend I went hiking (for the first time!) with friends up the most well known mountain in the area, Hakodate mountain (函館山). It was insanely beautiful and I plan to hike it again to explore more of the trails. Later this week I get to try judo and take a kimono etiquette class, both of which I am super excited about! I am trying to take advantage of all of the culture classes available as I know that I will most likely never get an opportunity quite like this one.

The Beginning

It’s always been my dream to walk the streets of Japan and to be able to do so now makes me unbelievably satisfied.

The 13-hour flight from Chicago to Tokyo was just how I imagined–painfully slow. The last three hours were especially difficult because of my motion sickness, and landing did not help with my nausea. However, I was able to sit by the window and thus had the wonderful opportunity to look at the scenery upon my arrival. It was breathtaking.

Before the program started, I was a bit nervous about studying abroad in Japan. I barely studied over the summer, rarely ate seafood, and hardly spoke Japanese on a daily basis. I also knew I was going to miss my family back home. I was looking forward to all three aspects of the HIF Program but was unsure if I would enjoy every aspect.

Having been in Japan for a week now, I must say that the beginning was rough. Traveling from place to place exhausted me. And although we were given free time to explore Tokyo and Hakodate, I napped for the majority of it until the placement exam. Of course, I did visit the onsen and convenience stores but did not walk as much compared to other HIF students. I have also heard of the intensity of the program, but the workload still surprised me. Even now, I am still struggling to find a balance between studying and sightseeing.

Settling into my host family’s house, the realization that I was living in a different country suddenly hit me like a fast curve ball that I never saw coming. The unfamiliarity of the environment and the people overwhelmed me to the point where I shed tears in my room.

However, my host family has been so understanding and so open-minded and so kind. Before moving in, my biggest worry was leaving leftovers behind (I’m particularly picky with my food); I did not want to be rude in any way towards my host family because they allowed me to reside in their home whilst abroad. But my host mom reassured me that leftovers are “OK~!” Fortunately, every breakfast and dinner has been absolutely delicious. My favorite moments so far have been making gyoza and takoyaki together. But cow tongue for dinner was definitely the best meal! I highly recommend it!!

Trying new things is part of the study abroad experience, and so I should not shy away from expanding my food palette and visiting new places. Although the beginning might have been a bit difficult, the story still continues, and, in my opinion, it’s the ending that really determines the experience abroad.