My name is Thomas Reimer, and while I have grown up in a very culturally diverse area and had many friends not from the U.S., I have never actually been to a foreign country. I’ve always wanted to, as I want to have an experience of complete immersion in my life, although this has never happened until now. I think that this process allows for you to see how you actually react to things and allows you to empathize to a degree with the multitude of people who have had to move to vastly different countries within their life. I would say I certainly anticipate it and want to do it although at the moment I don’t feel much excitement or nervousness, which in my mind is a good thing.
I’ve always had in intense interest in language and the way it impacts the brain throughout my life, and I am interested in the way that this immersion will change the way I think and act. I have taken a fair few languages in my life (Spanish, Latin, Arabic, and now Japanese), although I haven’t really had to use them in conversation until now. I think this will have a vast difference on how my brain relates to the language as it will become less of an object and more of an instrument. I also think it will be interesting to see how my brain will attempt to make more complicated sentence structures without knowledge of more advanced grammar structures. I want to see how much my guesses actually match what people say. The main thing I want this experience to shine light upon is the way that I communicate and relate to language, as I think a foreign language gives you better conditions to test this due to your lack of familiarity with convention. I don’t really want to have very rigid and intricate goals, however, as I think it is more important to let the experience shape me than to let me shape the experience.