Evolutionary Forces Infographic – adopted from Leslie Williams
Goal: explain 1 or more of the evolutionary forces using an infographic
Skills Developed: understanding evolutionary forces, narrative building, clearly identifying an audience and goal for your work, visual story telling, concise writing, infographic software (Piktochart)
Evolutionary Forces Infographic Assignment 2019
Evolutionary Forces Infographic Assignment Fall 2021 Version
Samples of my students’ work:
1) Katherine Franz & Leah Gudex
2) Alyssa McGrath & Jemma Yeadon
3) Nick Iovino and Lucie Moore
4) Cailey Brogan & Will Connolly Infographic
5) Isabel Weber & Hannah Morris
6) Jackie Kirsch & Paul Wilkinson
8) Ellen Pil and Alexis Waldschmidt
10) Gabriela Kim & Jordan Brown
11) Pierdinock, Moss, & Miramontes
12) Joshua Davis
15) Silva-Cruz, Daly, & Mancuso
16) Francesca Taylor
17) Wernecke, O’Brien, & Renterghem
18) Karla Luquin
20) Kacie McGowan
21) Camille Scandurro, Lucy Langholz, Aubrey DiStefano Founder Effect Infographic
22) Julie Schlueter, Samantha Gillis, Geralyn Timm, & Jasmine O’Brien
23) Jessica O’Neill Evolution Infographic
24) Alex Matarazzo Natural Selection
25) Scott Lucitt and Matt Yuro Forces of Evolution Infographic
Blood, Guts, & Glory: The Anthropology of Sports
I have my students do a similar assignment in my Anthropology of Sports class. Here is the actual assignment.
Here are the assignment guidelines: Myths & Misconceptions Infographic Assignment Fall 2021 Version
Here are examples of student work:
- Christian DiCesare
- Karly Brown & Jane Musema
- Jessica O’Neill
- Liana Aceri
- Madison Calder – Female Male Athletic Diffs
- Max Reed – Testosterone Myths
- Amanda Tran Testosterone Myths
- O’Grady Fox, and Hughes Marijuana and Sports Myths and Misconceptions Infographic