Thoughts on AWS

The more I think about it, the more I realize that we’re witnessing a transformation in IT. Despite the AWS tattoo and kool-aid mustache, I’m not married to AWS. Nothing’s perfect, and AWS is no exception. There are always questions about vendor lock-in and backing out or shifting services as the landscape changes.

Vendor lock-in is a possibility with every IT partnership, and there are ways to mitigate those risks. If Cisco, Redhat, IBM, or Oracle go out of business, it will have a huge impact. If any change their pricing structure, the same. In a practical sense, you usually have time to react. AWS might get purchased, or the CEO might change, but it’s unlikely that we’ll be informed on Monday that they’re shutting down, and we have 3 days to relocate services. With AWS, there’s no upfront cost:  you pay as you go. A provider can’t have success with that model without a rock-solid service. Furthermore, there’s no financial lock-in:  no multi-million dollar contracts or support agreements, which are probably the most common and painful cases.  AWS frees us from those kinds of lock-in.

AWS isn’t outsourcing — it’s a force multiplier. I guarantee that OIT engineers, with minimal additional training, can build more secure systems with better architectures in Amazon they’d be able to do on-premises for a fraction of the cost and time. Infrastructure is hard. It takes massive resources. AWS has the economy of scale and has been able to execute. The result is a game changing historic transformation of IT. Really, look at it:  it’s that profound. It enables experimentation and simplification. Take sizing systems. Just rough out your scaling, pick something larger than you need and scale it back after two months of usage data. Calculate the low nominal use and scale it back further, then auto-scale for the peak. Script it and reproduce everything, network, servers, security policies, all the things. That kind of architecture is an engineer’s dream, for pennies per hour, now, this instant, not years from now.

AWS or not, there is no question that this is the future of IT. Except for low latency or high performance, or very specialized applications that require a local presence, in my opinion, most companies will shed their datacenters for providers like AWS. My guess:  it’s going to come faster than we think. It’s not that we can’t accomplish these things, or that we don’t understand them. We simply don’t have the resources. Take long term storage and archiving. Glacier and S3 have eleven 9s of durability. Elasticity, I can upload 500 TB into Glacier tomorrow, or a petabyte, no problem. Spin up 10 machines, 100 machines, 1000 machines:  done. Chris did a data warehouse in a couple of days. There’s really no turning back.

I suspect we’ll be cautious, as we should be, moving services to AWS. But my forecast is that with each success, it will become apparent that we should do more. It’s going to become so compelling that you can’t look away.

I’m really glad we’ve picked AWS for IaaS. It is a huge opportunity.

Scripting AWS with Boto

It’s pretty easy to get yourself an Amazon Web Services account, log into the web console, and start firing up instances left and right.  It feels awesome, and it should, because you are doing a lot of cool things with just a few mouse clicks.  Soon, however, that buzz is going to wear off, because working this way is not sustainable at scale, and it is not easily repeatable.  If you want to get to #DevOps nirvana, creating and destroying instances automatically with each branch commit, you are going to have to abandon that GUI and get to the command line. 

So you google up “aws command line,” and behold: AWS Command Line Interface.  These tools are great, and probably worth a blog post in themselves.  They are an attempt to provide a unified CLI to replace prior offerings that were unique to each service (e.g., an ec2 tool, a CloudFormation tool), and they let you do quite a bit from the command line. But wait, because if you want to control everything in AWS while also leveraging the power of a mature scripting language, you want Boto for Python.

First, we’ll need python.  Mac and Linux users are good to go; Windows users will need to install it first.  We’re also going to need the python package manager, called pip.  For some reason it doesn’t come with python, but there’s a python tool that’ll fetch it for us.  This worked on my mac:

$ sudo easy_install pip

Okay, now you’d better learn some basic Python syntax. Go ahead; I’ll wait.

Good.  Now we’re ready.  Install the boto SDK with pip:

$ pip install boto

Then create a file called .boto in your home directory with the following contents:

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Where to get those credentials?  I’ll let this guy tell you.

Now we’re ready for some examples.  Readers in the OIT can check out the full scripts here.  Let’s start by making a Virtual Private Cloud, aka a virtual data center.  VPCs are constructs that, despite their relative importance in a cloud infrastructure, are quite simple to create.  From

import boto
from boto.vpc import VPCConnection

You’ve got the typical shebang directive, which invokes the python interpreter and lets us execute the script directly.  Then the important part: importing boto.  The first import is really all you need, but if you want to be able to reference parts of the boto library without fully qualifying them, you’ll want to do something like line 3 there.  This lets us reference “VPCConnection” instead of having to say “boto.vpc.VPCConnection.”

The parameters for creating a VPC are…

  • name: friendly name for the VPC (we’ll use VPC_ND_Datacenter.  This is actually optional, but we’re going to tag the VPC with a “Name” key after we make it)
  • cidr_block: a Classless Inter-Domain Routing block, of course (alright, Bob Winding helped me.  I’ll update with clarification later) Example:
  • tenancy: default / dedicated.  Dedicated requires you to pay a flat fee to Amazon, but it means you never have to worry that you’re sharing hardware with another AWS customer.
  • dry_run: set to True if you want to run the command without persisting the result


Basically the cidr_block is the only thing you really even need.  I told you it was a simple construct!  Note that variables exist for each in the create_vpc line below.

c = VPCConnection()
datacenters = c.get_all_vpcs(filters=[("cidrBlock", cidr)])
if not len(datacenters):
    datacenter = c.create_vpc( cidr_block=cidr, instance_tenancy=tenancy, dry_run=dryrun )
     print datacenter
     datacenter = datacenters.pop(0)
     print "Requested VPC already exists!"

datacenter.add_tag("Name", "My awesome VPC")

First, get the VPCConnection object, which has the methods we’ll use to list/create a VPC.  Note that this is available due to the “from..import” above.  Next, use the method “get_all_vpcs” with a filter to check that no VPC with this cidr block already exists.

If that list is empty, we’ll call create_vpc.  Otherwise, we’ll print a message that it already exists.  We can also pop the first item off the list, and that’s the object representing the existing VPC.  Finally, we’ll add a tag to name our VPC.

This stuff is that easy.

Once you divide that VPC into subnets and create a security group or two, how about creating an actual ec2 instance?

ec2 = EC2Connection()

reservation = new_instance ec2.run_instances(
security_group_ids=['SOME_SECURITYGROUP_ID', 'ANOTHER_ONE')

reservation.instances[0].add_tag("Name", "world's greatest ec2 instance")

Similar setup here.  We’re using the EC2Connection object instead.  Note that the run_instances method doesn’t pass back the instance directly, but gives you a “reservation” object that can apparently have an array of instances.  AFAIK you can only create one at a time with this method.  Anyway, we tag it and boom!  Here’s our instance, initializing:

i could do this all day

and to think you wanted to click buttons

We’ve got more work to do before we can create this instance and provision it via puppet, deploy applications on it, run services, and make it available as a Notre Dame domain.  Still, this is a great start.  Maybe some OIT folks want to jump in and help!  Talk to me, and be sure to check out the full boto API reference for all available methods.

OIT Collaboration with University Communications

We started a new project today to assist UC in the migration of the Conductor CMS from Rackspace to AWS. This is a great opportunity to help UC improve their deployment and to build skills in additional AWS services. The initial model is to deploy the service as a two tier (Web/Application and Database) service using a VPC with EC2 and RDS instances. This will also fill in some of our governance policies as we create roles in IAM for the project team members. We will also be using a shared system management model where UC is developing and managing the application and content and OIT the server stack and infrastructure. The service hosts over 300 websites with 2TB/month of network traffic.