Post Program Reflections: Siena


  • My time in Siena was an incredible experience I will never forget. I learned so much about Italian culture, Italian language, and myself. The most important thing I learned about the language learning process was how important it is to continue to challenge yourself. “Learning” a new language isn’t hard, in fact, a lot of people take language classes in college to help boost their Resume or get an easy A. By this definition of “learning” I mean passing a language class and memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. However, “learning” a language and actually speaking a language are two entirely different worlds. It’s easy to remember rules and identify grammar when you see it but to have to use those rules in practice is a lot harder. So this summer I sought to challenge myself. I spoke every chance I got in class, I read Italian books, and now I am currently seeking to continue to challenge myself so that I may maintain my language skills.
  • I completely and wholly recommend anyone interested in learning a new language to pursue the SLA grant. SLA is such a unique study abroad experience because (more often than not) you are traveling completely alone and experiencing a new country all by yourself. This pushes you to get out of your comfort zone and make new friends, have conversations with new people in a new language. I encountered a lot of American students in Siena who were studying abroad with a large group from their university and they were always together. In 6 months they still didn’t know a word of Italian, and this really broke my heart. Yes, it’s fun to travel with friends! But traveling with friends makes you comfortable with speaking English in a country in which you have an opportunity to learn something new!
  • The challenging part comes after my SLA experience. I now have to find ways in which I can continue to use the skills I learned abroad so that I don’t forget everything I learned. I plan on reading books in Italian, watching Italian movies, listening to Italian music and podcasts, and speak to whomever I can when I get the chance! I look forward to finding ways in which I can pursue Italian in my career and future. It is a beautiful country, culture and language and I look forward to returning in the near future.