E-mail: jflete@nd.edu
Language: Portuguese
Location of Study: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Program of Study: CIEE Summer Intensive Language + Culture
Sponsors: Kellogg Institute for International Studies, the College of Arts and Letters, and the Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures
Blog URL: https://sites.nd.edu/sla2018/author/jflete/
A brief personal bio:
My name is Jazmin Flete and I am a sophomore studying Romance Languages and Literature. The three languages I am studying, and have fallen in love with, are French, Italian, and Portuguese. I am also fluent in Spanish. I currently live in Lawrence, MA but my family is from the Dominican Republic.
Why this summer language abroad opportunity is important to me:
As a language major, travel is imperative to my major. I must travel to the communities, cities, and countries where the languages I study are spoken not only to improve my own verbal and written skills but to serve the places I visit. In order to further cultivate my understanding of a culture and everything that comes with it, I must be able to be present not only mentally but physically. The SLA Grant has made this possible for me. The SLA Grant is my opportunity to travel to a country where the language I have devoted my studies to is spoken and for this, I am forever grateful. Without the SLA Grant, I know I would not be financially capable of traveling and experiencing the cultures I study everyday in class.
What I hope to achieve as a result of this summer study abroad experience:
While in Brazil, I hope to improve my Portuguese skills. By the conclusion of the program I will be participating in, I hope to be able to hold a full conversation with my host family. I hope to learn colloquial Portuguese, as well. It is very important to adapt one’s languages skills to the places they visit. In addition to achieving language fluency, I hope to cultivate a deep understanding of society in Brazil with regards to culture, social status, and race.
My specific learning goals for language and intercultural learning this summer:
1. By the end of the summer, I will be able to communicate in Portuguese with my host family on social and political topics.
2. By the end of the summer, I will be able to watch Brazilian national television without subtitles and with the ability of comprehending what is being said.
3. By the end of the summer, I will be able to identify and explain Brazilian traditions as well as participate in them in a respectful manner as an outsider.
4. By the end of the summer, I will be able to cook/bake at least 3 Brazilian dishes and I will be able to communicate my Dominican traditions and dishes with my host family in Portuguese.