Hello! I am sorry I have not posted in a while, I have been quite busy. My Korean class has been going really well and I recently presented a newspaper article for my class. It was pretty difficult because I could not understand most of the article. I took a lot of time translating words I didn’t know and summarizing the story because it was difficult for me to understand, which would mean it would be difficult for the class to understand. I presented about the new bullying law that was created for the workplace in South Korea. South Korea still has pretty severe hierarchal views so bullying in the workplace is still prevalent by the higher ups. Nurses, in fact, have one of the highest bullying rate in South Korea. Thankfully, my presentation went well and the class was very helpful in answering my questions.
I was also able to go to a lot of places with people from my class. We went to a pork place which was very good. I really like the eating culture in Seoul. Everyone is always trying to go to good food places, which I really appreciate. It is really fun to eat good food with your friends and talk about your days. I think the fact that Seoul has so many good food places (맛집) is what really attracts me. I love food and I love hanging out with friends so eating good food with good people is really relaxing and fun.

I was also able to go to Ihwa Mural Village with a friend. It kind of reminds me of a European/South Korean fusion type of area. The cafes are very European styled whereas the road and the houses are pretty traditional Korean. The murals were quite beautiful and because it is at the top of a hill we got to see the view. Because I am staying in Seoul, a city, it is quite difficult to find a place that is peaceful. Ihwa Mural Village, although still in the city, is a pretty secluded area surrounded by nature and residents, so it was quiet and very pleasant to walk around.

I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity that SLA has given me and I am so sad that my time in Seoul is coming to an end. Thank you for reading!