Luo, Lan

Luo, Lan

Name: Lan Luo
Language: Japanese
Location of Study: Kyoto, Japan
Program of Study: Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies
Sponsors: Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures,Liu Institute for Asia and Asian StudiesScreen Shot 2015-11-12 at 3.25.10 PM

A brief personal bio:

My name is Lan Luo and I’m a rising sophomore majoring in psychology, and probably minoring in Japanese. I have loved watching animes since middle school. Gradually I became also interested in the Japanese culture and would love to learn more about the language itself.

Why this summer language abroad opportunity is important to me:

Since I had architecture as my intended major in freshman year, I didn’t have the chance to take regular Japanese class but took Japanese Extensive reading class instead due to time conflict. The SLA Grant is thus very important to me, giving me the chance to go to Japan and use the summer time to make up freshman year.

What I hope to achieve as a result of this summer study abroad experience:

Because I only did self study before, I sometimes don’t know how to use some grammars even though I can understand them. Through this summer studying in Japan, hopefully my grammar skills can be improved and I can also practice my speaking and listening. I also plan to go study abroad in Japan for a semester in my junior year, so this summer would be a good experience to know how’s it like to live in Japan and help me be prepared for later.

My specific learning goals for language and intercultural learning this summer:

  1. By the end of the summer, I will be comfortable to communicate with native speakers.
  2. By the end of the summer, I will be more familiar with Japanese culture.
  3. By the end of the summer, I will want to learn Japanese more.

My plan for maximizing my international language learning experience:

The program I’m going to this summer is in Kyoto, a city with a nickname the City of Ten Thousand Shrines. I would use my time after class to explore the city, speak Japanese with native speakers, and learn Japanese history.

Reflective Journal Entry 1: 

The two professors who taught the classes were great and made hard grammars relatively easy to understand and pushed us to speak more in Japanese. Classmates were awesome and I learned a lot from them too. We also had classes with the Doshisha University students and interacting with native speaker really helped my speaking a lot.

Reflection on my summer language abroad experience overall:
Besides the school I got chances to travel around Japan, especially the Kansai area, from which I learned so much more than just the language itself. And Kyoto is a city with a lot to offer as long as you are willing to explore. An amazing experience for sure.

How I plan to use my language and intercultural competences in the future:
I plan to continue taking Japanese classes in sophomore year and become more active in the Japan Club.

Reflective Journal Entry 2:

金曜日授業の後で、友達と一緒に京都文化博物館に行った 大関ヶ原展は6.2 – 7.26の期間にやっているから、徳川家康と関係あったものがたくさん展覧されていた。屏風や甲冑やいろんなものもあったけど、一番印象に残ったのは「骨喰藤四郎」という刀だった。前は大きい薙刀だったが、一度江戸城明暦の大火で焼けて、越前康継によって焼き直されて、今は脇差になってしまったという。全身は白くて、龍みたいな柄もあって、本当に綺麗な刀だと思った!
土曜日友達と大阪にあるowl cafeと海遊館に行った!やっぱり水生動物は不思議だなぁと再び感じた。ペンギンさんのみんなはちょっと丸くて、よろよろの歩き姿が最高に可愛かった><!でもやっぱり一番可愛かったのはかわうそだね…ぐだぐだゆるゆるしてるカワウソさんは本当に可愛すぎて、私は写真を50枚以上とってしまった…

Reflective Journal Entry 3:



Reflective Journal Entry 4:


Reflective Journal Entry 5:



Reflective Journal Entry 6:

プログラムが終わった後、関西にいる最後の日に会話パートナー、まなと一緒に彼女の地元神戸に遊びに行った。ずっと行きたかったけどなかなか週末のスケジュールが合わらなくて気づいたらもう期末の後だった。10時頃JRに乗ってワクワクしてたら、電車が急に止まって私も含めて周りのみんな全部とんって倒れちゃった。一瞬にああこれが死んちゃうとも思ったほど怖かった。電車がなかなか動いてくれなかったから茨木で一応下車にした。そして阪急に乗り換えた。二人ともお腹すいてきたから大阪で降りてヘップでお昼を食べた。神戸についたのはもう午後2時頃。時間があまりなかってけど、中華街、港口、モザイクとか色々なところに行くことができた。モザイクでムーミンのキャリーオンを買った\(^q^/) 最高に可愛かったに限らなくて、荷物の問題もお見事に解決できた!そして女の子二人の旅行というのは、やっぱり自撮りとプリクラが大事だね笑。いっぱいプリをとっちゃった。晩御飯は駅にあるカフェのサンド。食べ始めたら気づいたのは、二人最初に会った時もサンドを食べたということ。うわー運命だなって感じがこんな時余計に人を寂しくさせるよなぁ。この二ヶ月いろんなところに行って好きなアーティストにも会えて日本語も前よりずっと良くなって仲良く友達も作ったから、本当に最高に楽しかった。

Reflection on my language learning and intercultural gains:

The two professors who taught the classes were great and made hard grammars relatively easy to understand and pushed us to speak more in Japanese. Classmates were awesome and I learned a lot from them too. We also had classes with the Doshisha University students and interacting with native speaker really helped my speaking a lot.

Reflection on my summer language abroad experience overall:

Besides the school I got chances to travel around Japan, especially the Kansai area, from which I learned so much more than just the language itself. And Kyoto is a city with a lot to offer as long as you are willing to explore. An amazing experience for sure.

How I plan to use my language and intercultural competences in the future:

I plan to continue taking Japanese classes in sophomore year and become more active in the Japan Club.