WeHab Code Downloads

[January 26th, 2020] One item that comes up every once in a while is our old WeHab project which brought to bear low-cost peripherals for the purpose of helping out with stroke rehabilitation / balance impairment.  For those who are so inclined, you are welcome to download the executables of the code along with instructions via Google Drive.  Note that the executables come as is and may be a bit dated.



Journal Paper – A game-theoretic analysis on the economic viability of mobile content pre-staging

[January 23rd, 2020] Our journal paper entitled “A game-theoretic analysis on the economic viability of mobile content pre-staging” is now live via the Wireless Networks journal.  The paper focuses on mobile content pre-staging with an eye towards whether or not said pre-staging is solely beneficial to the provider or pre-staging gains are shared with the end-user.  This is related to our on-going work NSF grant focusing on PASS (Provider Accessible Storage Subsystem) as this was a pre-cursor paper to that effort that we published at the INFOCOM Workshop on Smart Data Pricing back in 2016.  This particular paper offers some nice new insights and an expanded analysis relative to the shorter workshop paper.  Kudos to Prof. Liao (my former student, now a tenured professor at Central Michigan) and Prof. Li for their fantastic work on this effort.

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Two new publications @ WristSense

[January 16th, 2020] Very good news for my student Gonzalo Martinez and post-doc Steve Mattingly who had their papers accepted for WristSense 2020.

  • The first paper entitled “Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams” focuses on the extent to which phone agent data, specifically the screen on / off state, impacts the accuracy of time to bed and wake time as observed by the wearable.
  • The second paper entitled “On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers” explores the quality of wearable data in terms of data consistency, interruptions / missing data, and charging behavior from the Garmin vivoSmart 3.

Both of these efforts are drawn from our data for Tesserae with one presented by Gonzalo and the other presented by Steve at the WristSense workshop at IEEE PerCom this year. Congrats again to Gonzalo and Steve on a job well done in driving these papers!

Publication Updates

[January 13th, 2020] The publication pages should be receiving some much deserved attention over the next few weeks.  While I had intended to do some nice categorization, in the interest of timeliness, I am switching over to a much simpler list-based format.  Perhaps if I can find some time and do some cleverness with a consolidated BibTeX file, there might some updates in the summer but for now, everything should finally get posted in the next week or two.

Back from Sabbatical

[January 10th, 2020] Alas, all good things must come to an end and my sabbatical is officially wrapped up as of this Friday with the start of the spring semester this coming week.  This spring, I will be teaching the second iteration of my course on Advanced Wireless Networks and will officially be back on campus full-time at my office in 211B Cushing Hall.

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Sabbatical Update

[November 11th, 2019] Brief update as I am well over halfway through my sabbatical this fall.  Some interesting new projects in the hopper that we will highlight the projects bake a bit more but I can give a bit of a preview of some of the efforts.

  • WiFi Leaf Detection: We are looking how WiFi signals can be used to detect the presence (or lack thereof) leaves on the various trees to help optimize leaf pickup for St. Joseph County (and many other municipalities with burn bans).  Some interesting early work taking our monster WiFi capture rig (all 2.4 GHz channels, all 5 GHz channels) done by Al-Amin Mohammed, the lead graduate student on the project.  Many thanks to our undergraduate REU student Alexandra Berjarano who kicked off this effort this past summer as part of our Wireless Institute REU site.
  • QUIC-enabled FMNC / PASS: We are working on porting our efforts for Fast Mobile Network Characterization (FMNC) and Provider-Assisted Storage Sub-system (PASS) into a unified library riding on QUIC.  This should be an interesting adventure and if successful, a very cool unified platform for measurement that leverage QUIC with legacy support for TCP fallback taking advantage of our older work.
  • Tesserae: Our Tesserae project continues.  Look for some interesting paper updates now that the vast majority of our data collection has wrapped for the effort.

Papers at CHI 2019

[May 14, 2019] We had two papers appear at CHI in the Case Studies track.  One paper was a general overview of the Tesserae study and the other was an overview of our publicly accessible social media corpus related to Tesserae (all participants opted in who agreed to share data).  Both papers are accessible via the CHI website.

PCAD Site is Operational

[March 26, 2019] Kudos to the team for having an outstanding site visit for PAWR.  While it is still to be determined with respect to us being chosen as a site, the team put together some really top notch work.  The overview video and general site for PCAD (PAWR in Collaborative and Autonomous Drones) can be found at: https://sites.google.com/nd.edu/pcad