By: Nitesh Srivastava

In the Notre Dame MBA program, students have the option to subscribe at a discount to The Wall Street Journal. Here are five other media outlets that people interested in business may find helpful in their academic and professional development:
1. Poets and Quants – For prospective MBA students, this one-stop shop for business school news, insights, and rankings is a vital tool for determining what program is the right fit for them. For current MBA students, it is a good resource for keeping tabs on the competition.
2. Bloomberg News – Originally, Bloomberg News was a financial news service intended for Bloomberg Terminal users. Today, it covers a broader range of topics for a more general audience. In 2009, Bloomberg News purchased the magazine Businessweek, which has since been rebranded Bloomberg Businessweek.
3. The Economist – This London-based publication, founded in 1843, is a good representative of an Old World perspective on business. Quirks of this publication include that its writers are typically anonymous.
4. Advertising Age – Advertising Age is representative of the trade publications that may be useful especially for marketers. My marketing bias may show here, but I think anyone interested in business would find this publication useful. As Advertising Age has been publishing since 1930, it is also one of the older publications to cover the marketing field.
5. Google News – Business news can come from almost any source. For example, local newspapers may have the most thorough coverage of locally headquartered companies, while sports media may have the best coverage of sports-related marketing. Customizing a Google News page is one way to aggregate news from thousands of sources regarding companies, markets, people, and/or other business-related keywords of interest to a particular person.
About Nitesh
Nitesh lived in Chicago prior to business school and is originally from Eagle River, Alaska. He is concentrating in marketing and business analytics, and did his undergraduate studies at Northwestern University. Follow Nitesh on Twitter and Instagram, or reach out to him on LinkedIn.