The war for team rooms in Mendoza, part 1

By: Nitesh Srivastava

Team rooms in Mendoza are worth their weight in gold. (Photo courtesy Nitesh Srivastava)

In the Notre Dame MBA program, students have exclusive access to team rooms in the Mendoza building where they can work on group projects together. Given the high demand for these rooms and the relatively low supply, the fight for these rooms often reduces students to their basest instincts. These are their stories.

I needed to work with my friend Bill on a marketing project the other day, but all the team rooms were occupied. “No worries,” I told Bill. “Many of these rooms only have one student in them, in clear violation of the rules. As Notre Dame MBA candidates, we will use our newfound persuasive communication skills to convince them to leave. Follow me.” I opened the door to the closest team room and said hello.  Continue reading “The war for team rooms in Mendoza, part 1”

Welcome address from the new administration

By: Jack Pelzer

The MBA Irish Echoes editorial board greets its new leader

Thank you! Thank you.

(pause for wild applause)

Thank you! Please. Settle down. I think we all want to get home in time for dinner!

(pause for polite laughter)

People said we would never do it. They said there was no way that two guys from the suburbs would become editors of the MBA student life blog at Notre Dame. Boy, we sure showed them. Didn’t we T.J.?

(new MBA Irish Echoes Managing Editor T.J. Connors nods furiously)

Continue reading “Welcome address from the new administration”

Onwards and upwards

By: Sylvia Banda

Members of the Two-Year MBA Class of 2017 during Orientation. (Photo Courtesy Sylvia Banda)

It is with great pleasure that I have the honor of writing the last blog post by the current editorial board. As you know, MBA IRISH ECHOES launched in the Fall of 2016 in an effort to preview “Life Inside the Notre Dame MBA Program”. We’ve had numerous posts on topics such as football weekends, dual-degree programs, study abroad, student treks, extracurricular activities, and best tips and practices as an MBA.

I would like to thank the Class of 2017 in their remarkable efforts in launching the blog to what it is today, particularly, Nitesh Srivastava and Bill Brunner.

Continue reading “Onwards and upwards”

Five media outlets to read to succeed in business school

By: Nitesh Srivastava

As if you didn’t get enough to read from your classes. (Photo courtesy Nitesh Srivastava)

In the Notre Dame MBA program, students have the option to subscribe at a discount to The Wall Street Journal. Here are five other media outlets that people interested in business may find helpful in their academic and professional development:

1. Poets and Quants – For prospective MBA students, this one-stop shop for business school news, insights, and rankings is a vital tool for determining what program is the right fit for them. For current MBA students, it is a good resource for keeping tabs on the competition.

2. Bloomberg News – Originally, Bloomberg News was a financial news service intended for Bloomberg Terminal users. Today, it covers a broader range of topics for a more general audience. In 2009, Bloomberg News purchased the magazine Businessweek, which has since been rebranded Bloomberg Businessweek Continue reading “Five media outlets to read to succeed in business school”