The Irish wear gold / they also wear blue / we love the ND MBA / and we hope you do too! Continue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Life Inside Notre Dame's MBA Program
The Irish wear gold / they also wear blue / we love the ND MBA / and we hope you do too! Continue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
By: Nitesh Srivastava
I recently put together a glossary of four common terms that people outside the Notre Dame MBA program may not know. Here are a few more words, phrases, and acronyms to round out the list:
5. MBAA: The Notre Dame MBA Association, or MBAA for short, is the student government of the Notre Dame MBA program. Most students simply spell out the letters when they say this acronym aloud, although rumors exist of a rebranding that would see the term pronounced as a word, similarly to the title lyric in the 1997 Hanson hit MMMBop.
6. Dual-degree student: A handful of undergraduates at Notre Dame are simultaneously obtaining their bachelor’s degrees in engineering and MBAs in a combined, five-year program. Obviously, these students are a bit younger than the average MBA student, so they don’t appreciate my 1990s pop culture references. Informal ways to describe these students include “five-year student,” but especially in a professional context, “dual-degree student” is preferred. Continue reading “An ND MBA glossary, vol. 2”
By: Nitesh Srivastava
The Notre Dame MBA program has a distinctive culture; as such, students, faculty, and administrators sometimes use jargon that may be unfamiliar to prospective students and others outside the program. We at MBA IRISH ECHOES strive to bridge the gap between our world and yours, so I have put together a brief glossary of Notre Dame MBA-specific terms:
1. Mod: In the Notre Dame MBA program, each semester is divided into two modules (or mods for short). As a result, rather than say “first semester” and “second semester,” students say “Mod 1,” “Mod 2,” “Mod 3,” and “Mod 4.” Because each mod is only about seven weeks long, classes go by quickly! Continue reading “An ND MBA glossary, vol. 1”
By: Nitesh Srivastava
(Editor’s Note: The Round 2 admissions deadline is coming up! In honor of the occasion, enjoy this bonus post from MBA IRISH ECHOES, and be sure to check back over the next few days for more content.)
Before I joined the Notre Dame MBA program, the resumes I handed out at career fairs tended to fall into a black hole. Since then, I’ve picked up a lot of tips from our Career Services team and my classmates, which have helped me to turn career fair interactions into bona fide job offers. It’s possible! Here are some of those tips:
1. If you’re interested in visiting the Company X booth at a career fair, apply for the job you want at Company X before you even show up at the career fair. Your goal when you visit the Company X booth isn’t to learn basic facts. Your goal is to complete your first-round interview at the career fair itself. Continue reading “5 tips from an ND MBA on how to get a job at a career fair”
On behalf of the entire Notre Dame MBA community, we at MBA IRISH ECHOES wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas! Continue reading “Season’s greetings!”