The WADA Ruling on Russian Doping and the Lasting Legacy of Rocky IV

I was asked by the Notre Dame media folks to write up an OpEd on the recent World Anti-Doping Agency ruling against Russia. The Hill picked it up, and here it is, complete with a Rocky IV reference right off the bat. This likely won’t be a popular opinion, but I think it is a good conversation starter about the current sports culture both nationally and globally. It also hits on how much popular media shapes our views.
Evolution of Human Diet Class Activity

I put together this fun in-class activity to explore some of concepts on the evolution of the human diet. Students had a lot of fun with this one, and it was relaxed and fun class, which students needed at the end of the semester.
Research Uncorked
I will be giving the Research Uncorked talk next Tuesday titled: Let It Snow: Human Performance in Extreme Conditions!
When: Tuesday, December 10 @ 6pm
Where: Ironhand Vineyard’s Wine Bar
1025 Northside Blvd.
South Bend, IN 46615
Come see how many Star Wars Hoth-related references I can make in under 45 minutes.
Science Stories with Kate Wong
Have a listen to the latest installment of #Hackademics, our special series within the Sausage of Science podcast. In this episode we talk about the importance of science communication, how to go about it (especially if you are new to the field), and why you should pitch your science story to folks like our guest Scientific American journalist, Kate Wong.