Dr. Daniel Cherico, known for his books and articles on thanatology and ministry to people near death, spends much of his spare time compiling data on Catholic clergy and religious, so that the contributions of individuals will not be forgotten, and so that the reputations of those who have been maligned can be restored. As a side effect of this effort, he acquires material that will be of interest to Catholic scholars in the future. Starting in March of 2007, he has been donating this documentation to the Archives of the University of Notre Dame. He has sent printed ephemera, books, pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers and magazines, representing parish and diocesan anniversaries, conferences, Catholic institutions and individual bishops and priests from New York, Newark, Minneapolis / St. Paul, and other places; audio and video tapes; black-and-white and color prints and slides of Catholic clergy, religious, laity, and buildings; medals, awards, rosaries, crucifixes, pins, and other religious objects; scrapbooks, index cards with quotations and notes from research in Catholic archives, answers to questionnaires on parish histories in the Diocese of St. Paul, photocopies of typewritten and handwritten papers and histories, and funeral sermons and obituaries.
In April we received from AnaMaria Goulet the papers of her husband, Notre Dame professor Denis Goulet, including office files representing his teaching, his interest in developing countries in Latin America, and his publications, with offprints or copies of over 160 of his articles. Prof. Goulet held the William and Dorothy O’Neill Chair for Education for Justice and was associated with the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and Nanovic Institute for European Studies. He was widely known and respected for his pioneering contributions to the interdisciplinary study of development ethics. In addition to his many articles, he published eleven books, including The Cruel Choice: A New Concept in the Theory of Development (1971); The Uncertain Promise: Value Conflicts in Technology Transfer (1977); and Development Ethics at Work: Explorations 1960-2002 (2006).