The Juggler is a student literary and art magazine. The first issue was published December 1919 as a stand-alone college humor and satire publication, which were common among other universities at the time.
Cover of the first issue of the Juggler, December 1919
In the prologue of the first 1919 issue, the editors write that they are not intending to replace the student-written literary essays and poems published at that time in Scholastic. The editors write that they “shall strive to represent, for better or for worse, the lighter side of University life.”
Cartoon from the October 1924 issue of the Juggler.
Puns were common place in the Juggler during its early decades.
Over the years, Scholastic discontinued publishing such fictional student work and the Juggler took over that role and shifted toward publishing more serious literary and artistic works. Old issues of the Juggler can be found in the University Archives and new issues are published once a semester.