12th Annual Notre Dame Student Film Festival
January 26-27, 29, 2001
7:30 and 9:45 pm, $4.00 admission

Time and Temperture
Beth Leliaert and Andy Gregar
A wonderfully droll Errol Morris-esque documentary about feuding real estate agents in the quaint neighboring community of Osceola, Indiana. (11:45) SFF2001

Two In The Smoker
Sean Daily
A great slice-of life documentary about the sporting obsessions and philosophical observations of the daily dedicated fishermen in South Bend’s leg of the St. Joe River. (17:19) SFF2001

The Death Of Gwyneth Paltrow
Larice Woods and Joey Leniski
Hollywood’s most beloved actress suddenly dies and the angel in charge of protecting her is placed on trial in this biting commentary on popular culture. (9:13) SFF2001

Kara Zuaro and Chris Jara
A witty account of a tough Italian go-getter who fights her way up the ladder from her father’s quirky upbringing to her conservative college’s way of life (aka ND). (7:12) SFF2001

Six Degrees of Chicks, Dicks, Dope, and Old Folk
Dan Nowak
A rotating dialogue between four groups of people all talking privately and bluntly about love/sex/drugs/romance, but none of them knowing the “real” story. (12:23) SFF2001

Dominic Guarnaschelli
An abandoned houseplant returns to terrorize its former caretakers in this sidespliting homage to campy horror films. (9:53) SFF2001

Blind Date #42
Charlie Holden-Corbett and Rick Silvestrini
A wacky ten minute traipse into an apartment dinner of eggplant parmesan and conversation between two 20-somethings. (13:10) SFF2001

Hash Brown Blues
Tom Repetto and David Chamberlin
A hitchhiking blues musician finds the lyrics to his next song in the lives of the characters he meets on his cross country journey. (8:44) SFF2001

Brent Buckman, Tim Ryan
An innocent bystander finds a lost polaroid camera which turns his day and life around. (6:35) SFF2001

The Paper
Scott Blaszak 
An underclassman’s re-telling of a modern day Charlie Chaplin and his preponderance for mishaps as he tries to get that final paper in under the deadline. (4:37) SFF2001

Aye Yai Yai Yai
Rick Silvestrini and Dan Feighery
After falling asleep before the big test, a panicky student lives a daydream of angels, tequila, and golf. (8:52) SFF2001

Peter Richardson and Ryan White
While volunteering at a homeless shelter, a young man deals with violence and theft when he becomes the victim. (5:20) SFF2001

Public Service Announcements
Charlie Holden-Corbett and Tim Ryan, Tom Repetto and Rick Silvestrini, Allen Hemberger and Kelly McGann
Three 60-second ads for local non-profit organizations, El Campito, There are Children Here, Potawatomi Zoological Society. (3:00) SFF2001