Data Information Literacy @ Purdue
Posted on October 4, 2013 in Uncategorized by Eric Lease Morgan
By this time last week I had come and gone to the Data Information Literacy (DIL) Symposium at Purdue University. It was a very well-organized event, and I learned a number of things.
- silos
- pumpkin
- Beer Silo
First of all, I believe the twelve DIL Competencies were well-founded and articulated:
- conversion & interoperability
- cultures of practice
- curation & re-use
- databases & formats
- discovery & acquisition
- ethics & attribution
- management & organization
- metadata & description
- preservation
- processing & analytics
- quality & documentation
- visualization & representation
For more detail of what these competencies mean and how they were originally articulated, see: Carlson, Jake R.; Fosmire, Michael; Miller, Chris; and Sapp Nelson, Megan, “Determining Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study of Students and Research Faculty” (2011). Libraries Faculty and Staff Scholarship and Research. Paper 23.
I also learned about Bloom’s Taxonomy, a classification of learning objectives. At the bottom of this hierarchy/classification is remembering. The next level up is understanding. The third level is application. At the top of the hierarchy/classification is analysis, evaluation, and creation. According to the model, a person needs to move from remembering through to analysis, evaluation, and creation in order to really say they have learned something.
Some of my additional take-aways included: spend time teaching graduate students about data information literacy, and it is almost necessary to be imbedded or directly involved in the data collection process in order to have a real effect — get into the lab.
About 100 people attended the event. It was two days long. Time was not wasted. There were plenty of opportunities for discussion & interaction. Hat’s off to Purdue. From my point of view, y’all did a good job. “Thank you.”