OJS Toolbox

Given a Open Journal System (OJS) root URL and an authorization token, cache all JSON files associated with the given OJS title, and optionally output rudimentary bibliographics in the form of a tab-separated value (TSV) stream. [0]

Wall Paper by Eric

OJS is a journal publishing system. [1] Is supports a REST-ful API allowing the developer to read & write to the System’s underlying database. [2] This hack — the OJS Toolbox — merely caches & reads the metadata associated with the published issues of a given journal title.

The Toolbox is written in Bash. To cache the metadata, you will need to have additional software as part of your file system: curl and jq. [3, 4] Curl is used to interact with the API. Jq is used to read & parse the resulting JSON streams. When & if you want to transform the cached JSON files into rudimentary bibliographics, then you will also need to install GNU Parallel, a tool which makes parallel processing trivial. [5]

Besides the software, you will need three pieces of information. The first is the root URL of the OJS system/title you wish to use. This value will probably look something like this –> https://example.com/index.php/foo Ask the OJS systems administrator regarding the details. The second piece of information is an authorization token. If an “api secret” has been created by the local OJS systems administrator, then each person with an OJS account ought to have been granted a token. Again, ask the OJS systems administrator for details. The third piece of information is the name of a directory where your metadata will be cached. For the sake of an example, assume the necessary values are:

  1. root URL – https://example.com/index.php/foo
  2. token – xyzzy
  3. directory – bar

Once you have gotten this far, you can cache the totality of the issue metadata:

$ ./bin/harvest.sh https://example.com/index.php/foo xyzzy bar

More specifically, `harvest.sh` will create a directory called bar. It will then determine how many issues exist in the title foo. It will then harvest sets of issue data, parse each set into individual issue files, and save the result as JSON files in the bar directory. You now have a “database” containing all the bibliographic information of a given title

For my purposes, I need a TSV file with four columns: 1) author, 2) title, 3) date, and 4) url. Such is the purpose of `issues2tsv.sh` and `issue2tsv.sh`. The first script, `issues2tsv.sh`, takes a directory as input. It then outputs a simple header, finds all the JSON files in the given directory, and passes them along (in parallel) to `issue2tsv.sh` which does the actual work. Thus, to create my TSV file, I submit a command like this:

$ ./bin/issues2tsv.sh bar > ./bar.tsv

The resulting file (bar.tsv) looks something like this:

author title date url
Kilgour The Catalog 1972-09-01 https://example.com/index.php/foo/article/download/5738/5119
McGee Two Designs 1972-09-01 https://example.com/index.php/foo/article/download/5739/5120
Saracevic Book Reviews 1972-09-01 https://example.com/index.php/foo/article/download/5740/5121

Give such a file, I can easily download the content of a given article, extract any of its plain text, perform various natural language processing tasks against it, text mine the whole, full text index the whole, apply various bits of machine learning against the whole, and in general, “read” the totality of the journal. See The Distant Reader for details. [6]


[0] OJS Toolbox – https://github.com/ericleasemorgan/ojs-toolbox
[1] OJS – https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/
[2] OJS API – https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/api/ojs/3.1
[3] curl – https://curl.haxx.se
[4] jq – https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
[5] GNU Parallel – https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/
[6] Distant Reader – https://distantreader.org

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