RDA Links

Core members by area of focus (Core_areas_of_focus)

New! LC’s Long-Range RDA Training Plan

Report and Recommendations of the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee: Executive Summary

Access the RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit website

A Cataloging Makeover: RDA Basics for Everyone (2011 May Institute presentation by Mary McKeown

New! FRBR as a Foundation for RDA. Robert Maxwell, December 15, 2010. Link to webcast and Powerpoint

New! Changes from AACR2 to RDA. Part 1. Adam Schiff, February 2, 2011. Link to webcast, notes (pdf) and slides (Powerpoint)

New! Changes from AACR2 to RDA. Part 2. Adam Schiff, February 9, 2011. Link to webcast, notes (pdf) and slides (Powerpoint)

New! RDA and Serials Catalogers: Will our Work Really Change? Steve Shadle, March 2, 2011. Link to webcast

Slides for Introduction to RDA: an ALCTS webinar. Robert Ellett, September 22, 2010 (IntroRDA_handout)

Slides for RDA: Benefits for Users and Catalogers. Chris Oliver, November 3, 2010

View the webinar

RDA Open Forum–Ask the Experts: an ALCTS webinar. February 17, 2011.

View the webinar

RDA Checkpoint–Where We Are and Where We’re Heading: an RDA Toolkit Webinar. July 12, 2011

Access the webinar and slides

Library of Congress Documentation for the RDA Test (including LCPSs)


NCSU RDA Test Site

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