425 Hesburgh Library, 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Present: Monica, Trish, Lisa, Mary, Kitty, Aaron, Kevin
NCIP Update
- NiFi as an intermediary in front of NCIP
- https://ncip.library.nd.edu
- SRCS testing on March 22
- Will go directly to pilot phase for SRCS
- ILLiad will be next up
- Creating “Lower Level Reading Room” for in house use items
Irish1Card Update
- Target date is still May/June
- Patron load is working
- Live feed for patrons is in progress
- New cards will be usable immediately
- Updates for lost cards
Hold Shelf Reminder Notices
- Issue with Patron responses for Inter-MALC
- Hold Shelf Reports — MALC libraries don’t use these, they check the dates on the slips
- If a patron asks for an extension on the hold date, the owning library will make the decision, and will email the pickup location
Service Packs
- Current: Service Pack 6,
- No new SP at this time
Migration Planning
- Planning to form team this academic year to begin process
- First steps: requirements gathering
- Question: Has this been discussed at the director level?