Rock climbing may just be the greatest exercise activity. It’s a holistic workout with an infectiously supportive community that involves plenty of problem solving and a good understanding of body movement and biomechanics. If you ever find yourself on the climbing wall, you will inevitably encounter a sequence of moves that seemingly proves to be too difficult or complicated. Whether you’re a veteran or a beginner, below are just a few of the countless biomechanical techniques and tips to keep in mind when coordinating and executing your attempts; they could be the difference between plateauing and finally topping out on that elusive route.
Continue reading “Want Your Ticket to the Top?”Author: Joe Zawacki
arthritis balance bio-inspired design bone brain cartilage climbing extreme conditions feet flying animals growth and development hands healing heart and the cardiovascular system humans impact insects joints jumping land animals lungs and the respiratory system marine animals material science medicine muscle other injury other sports pain plants predation prevention prosthetics recovery and rehabilitation robots running skin spine and back sports injury strength training surgery swimming technology tendons and ligaments treatment walking