Agenda/Minutes April 16, 2014

208 Hesburgh Library, 10:00-11:00 am

Present: Nastia, Mary, Sarah, Kitty, Justin, Lisa, Aaron, Tracey


  • Did a full extract of Notre Dame database to send to Hathi.
    • (Different from the Gov Docs extract done earlier this year.)
    • Send data 1-4 times/year
    • Elements
      • OCLC
      • System number
      • ISBN/ISSN
      • Volume information (monographs)
      • Preservation / Missing status (Did not include in this extract)
      • Federal document flag
    • Found about 2000 records that could not be parsed
      • OCLC number problems
      • Records that “broke” MARC batch modules because the record was not UTF.
      • Records with invalid indicators in 866 (e.g., dashes or dollar signs).
    • Need to develop policies to track preservation (brittle) and missing items for Hathi.


  • Ready to start purge process
  • Meeting this afternoon

Primo Browse Searching

  • Primo4U, June 11-12
  • Cross-references: Parameter to export xref data does not appear to be in Aleph 20. Aleph 22 documentation indicates that the parameter is available.
  • Discussed Call Number browse

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