Noticing Microaggressions towards my Housemate

I noticed many microaggressions towards one of my housemates Paolo, who considers home to be China and Italy. After my time in Radolfzell, I planned to visit Milan, where Paolo was born. I knew Paolo was from Italy, but he never said which city as he had spent the past nine years in China. When my host discovered I was going to Milan, she suggested I ask Paolo for recommendations. I replied, “Achso, habe ich das nicht gewusst,” – oh, I did not know that. She automatically replied, “Ja sieht er nicht italienisch aus,” – yes, he does not look Italian. While there is a stereotypical “look” of Italians thanks to romcoms, I never put too much stock in it. Growing up in a multicultural country, I expect people to be of every ethnicity in other countries. Paolo also told me about a few of his experiences being profiled for COVID in other European countries. He is seventeen, so it is hard for him to cope with some of these situations, and I was happy he trusted me with some of his other experiences.