E-mail: cparke23@nd.edu
Language: Russian
Location of Study: Batumi, Georgia
Program of Study: To Be Determined
Sponsors: The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures
Visit Cheyenne’s Blog
This summer, I hope to become more proficient in the Russian language, which I have always wanted to learn and decided to take on this year. I chose Russian because it is very different from the other languages I have learned in the past, and I am glad that I did. Initially, I had planned on going to St. Petersburg, Russia to immerse myself in the Russian culture and improve my reading, writing and listening skills in relation to the Russian language. I chose St. Petersburg because it is rich with culture and such a beautiful city. I was particularly excited to be there during the White Nights. While it is unfortunate for me that I will no longer be able to visit Russia, the war that the Russian President is waging on Ukraine is even more heartbreaking.
Thankfully, the program I was originally planning to attend offered alternative destinations, one of which was Batumi, Georgia. After looking into this program, city, and country, Batumi looks amazing and I am excited to be able to learn more about Georgian culture along with the Russian language. My program also offers a trip to the capital of Georgia as well as other cities and activities so I will hopefully get a really good feel for the country and culture. This summer fits into my long-term goals as I plan on taking Intermediate Russian during my senior year, and as I enjoy learning this language so much, I hope to be able to implement it in my career. I am thinking of applying to the Peace Corps or another international outreach program. Additionally, I am considering picking up the Russian minor next year.