Religious Holidays in Baden-Württemberg

One holiday I experienced while abroad was the Feast of Corpus Christi, a Catholic holiday. I did not know this feast day was coming up, but my teacher warned me that all the stores would be closed. Stores closing for non-major religious holidays and Sundays surprised me, but it is a common practice in Baden-Württemberg. Since I grew Catholic, I was familiar with the feast and asked some questions at my local bakery about traditions; however, the ladies working used the day to rest and relax. I used the holiday to explore the practically empty Ulm to see a library and cathedral. What was really interesting was talking about the holiday with my housemates, as I had four. My good friend, Ruken, was from Turkey and a practicing Muslim. She did not understand the concept of the Eucharist and the Blood of Christ, which Corpus Christi celebrates. My host and I explained the feast day, although it was difficult because I could not use specific religious language. Later, Ruken also approached me about the Trinity in Christianity, and we discussed the differences between our religions. It was a rewarding conversation, but it was difficult for us to communicate complex religious ideas as German is our second language.

This is a photo of me in front of the cathedral in Ulm. My friend and I heard a performance by an organist and then climbed up so many stairs to see the bells! Unfortunately, my friend Ruken would not like to be pictured here.