E-mail: aschroe4@n.edu
Language: Spanish
Location of Study: Santiago, Chile
Program of Study: Santiago Summer Program
Sponsors: The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures
Visit Anna’s Blog
My name is Anna Schroedel and I am a rising junior at the University of Notre Dame. I chose to go to Santiago, Chile with the goal of immersing myself in both an unfamiliar culture and a new language. I have only formally been studying Spanish for about a year, so the full immersion during the six-week program will be quite a leap, but I am excited for the challenge. With my SLA Grant, I am looking forward to progressing in Spanish and expanding my worldview in a way that would not be available to me otherwise. I know many Spanish-speakers, and my goal is to be proficient in talking to my friends in Spanish by the end of the program. This skill can also be used in whatever I choose to do in the future.