E-mail: dkraemer@nd.edu
Language: Italian
Location of Study: Siena, Italy
Program of Study: Società Dante Alighieri
Sponsors: Albert J. and Helen M. Ravarino Family Italian Scholars in Italy
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Daniel Kraemer, soon to be the vice president of Keenan Hall, is a sophomore Economics major. He is from the Chicago suburbs and the youngest of five siblings. His minors include Italian, Sustainability, and Data Science. On campus, he acts as the student ambassador for the Notre Dame Club of Chicago as he enjoys connecting people with one another.
Daniel’s passions include discovering new music, meeting people from backgrounds or countries unlike his own, and learning about unique cultures. During his SLA, Daniel will seize the opportunity to walk through Siena’s medieval streets, meet locals, and gain a deeper comprehension of the beautiful Italian language.
Despite originally only choosing to take Italian in high school because he liked pasta, Daniel has found the learning about Italian history and culture a true blessing. He predicts his month studying in Siena will be some of the best days of his life, and eagerly awaits his send off day.
Immediately following his SLA, Daniel will apply his improved Italian for a service internship in Milan. Furthermore, he will return to Rome as part of the International Rome Scholars program. In Milan, Daniel will be expected to be able to communicate with a range of people, many of whom only speak Italian. The International Rome Scholars program requires its students to complete an individualized research project, partake in a local internship, as well as take classes in Italian at an Italian university. All of these later plans are only possible through the SLA grant. Without his summer classes, his language skills would not be as far along as they need to be. Daniel looks forward to this opportunity, ready to learn each and every day.