E-mail: dkrill@nd.edu
Language: French
Location of Study: Marseille, France
Program of Study: Intensive French Course, Alliance Française Aix-Marseille
Sponsors: The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures
Visit Daniel Krill’s Blog
Mais pas l’temps pour les regrets m’a dit mon cœur
I am a Computer Science major in the College of Engineering with minors in French and Engineering Corporate Practice. While a language that can’t be compiled and executed in a terminal might not be the most relevant addition to my coursework, I beg to differ. Not only are there software applications like natural language processing and computational linguistics, but I can find connections across all of my other involvements.
The perspective gained from deeply knowing another culture will benefit my participation in the Kellogg International Scholars program, and I will certainly be able to incorporate it into my work as an iTREDS scholar. In any case, I see my French studies abroad as a step on the path to a fulfilling career with international influence. I hope to bring back from this experience a widened perspective of the francophone world and the cultures with which it intersects.
I chose to study in Marseille because of its widespread global connections, and I plan to take advantage of its rich cultural scene. Overall, I’m excited to fully immerse myself in a culture that I have only experienced from afar.