E-mail: jgarci28@nd.edu
Language: Italian
Location of Study: Sorrento, Italy
Program of Study: Sant’Anna Institute
Sponsors: The Albert J. and Helen M. Ravarino Family Italian Scholars in Italy
Visit Jasmine’s Blog
“Stay strong as you live your life story and remember your blessings, no matter what circumstances you face.”
Dr. Damary M. Bonilla-Rodriguez
It is important for me to study in Italy because I find value in immersing myself in a new culture, language, art, history and the people. In addition, as a Catholic who values her faith, studying within a country with deep catholic roots would further help my understanding and knowledge of catholicism.
I hope to make long lasting connections and further strengthen my Italian to a point to where I can become fluent. One of my goals includes applying and achieving an internship to further strengthen my resume for future endeavors. I plan on interacting heavily with the local community and being open to building a new set of ideals, especially when applying and practicing my italian. I also plan to remain motivated and committed to keeping an open mindset to continue evolving as an individual meanwhile, absorbing everything Italy has to offer.
This trip would allow me to explore the different destinations of the world and what they have to offer meanwhile further enhancing my education. As a daughter of immigrants, I have encountered opportunities that I have had to give up due to the financial obstacles. Because of this, on multiple occasions my potential has been limited. As someone who is intending to obtain a major in business, furthering my proficiency in the Italian language would broaden my opportunities to work not only within the United States but with and or in Italy amongst a variety of organizations. Italian is the official language in Switzerland, Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City.
After college, my future aspirations include working with an international business marketing firm and potentially collaborating with international clients and companies. This would further be possible with the augmentation of my Italian language skills and networking. Furthermore, one of my ultimate goals is to be able to positively impact any of the communities that I will be exposed to during my stay.
If granted the opportunity to immerse myself in Italy, it would allow me to learn about specific areas that need further assistance such as local food banks, non-profit organizations, etc. Upon returning I plan to further pursue the Italian language by adding it on as a supplementary major and maintaining my involvement throughout the Italian department spread amongst my four years.
The reason as to why I chose this particular language program is because I have aspirations of not only studying in Italy but applying and landing an internship in either the local town of Sorrento or Rome. Sorrento offers internships and I would be more than willing to take advantage of this opportunity. Furthermore, learning the language is more than just practicing the language within a classroom setting. It is about interacting with the local community and within a small town I would be able to further get to know the residents who make up the town of Sorrento rather than being in a larger city. In addition to the educational advantages that this program offers, I look forward to participating in the extracurriculars such as the cooking lessons, exploring the local museums, participating in the social activities, absorbing the history that I would be surrounded by and partaking in the trips to Florence and Rome. Above all, this program would not only enhance me academically but, rather propel me toward broadening my cultural awareness.