Marla Zgheib

Marla Zgheib
Marla Zgheib, Graduate Student

Language: Spanish
Location of Study: Cusco, Peru
Program of Study: Intensive Spanish, Maximo Nivel
Sponsors: The Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures and the Keough School of Global Affairs

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I have served as a national junior professional at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, where I enhanced the tribunal’s contributions to peace and justice in local communities. I have also worked as a volunteer researcher for Strategic Concept for the Removal of Arms and Proliferation (SCRAP) Weapons, strengthening female participation in disarmament work and using open source platforms to detect states’ activities related to weapons use. I hold a BA in political studies with three minors in international law, human rights, and citizenship from the American University of Beirut.

I have pursued an MA in international studies and diplomacy from SOAS University of London. Funded by a SAID Foundation scholarship, I focused on nonproliferation and arms control in the Middle East. I seek to explore the disarmament discourse in Latin America to engage in further comparative studies. As a master of global affairs student, I am the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship.

My eagerness to pursue a Spanish language summer course is directly driven by personal aspirations to promote peacebuilding across various cultures. As an aspiring global citizen, I look forward to enhancing my Spanish proficiency as I envision a career path to enter the field of global disarmament. Thus, in Peru, I will have the opportunity to hone my understanding of successful peaceful agreements in Latin American. The SLA program will equip me with needed skills to strive for international development opportunities.