E-mail: smancin2@nd.edu
Language: Italian
Location of Study: Siena, Italy
Program of Study: Dante Alighieri School Summer Study Abroad
Sponsors: The Albert J. and Helen M. Ravarino Family Italian
Scholars in Italy
Visit Stella’s Blog
Hello, my name is Stella Mancini, and I am a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame studying Computer Science and Italian. I’ve been interested in Italian ever since I was in about second grade. Learning about my family heritage from my father sparked in me a lasting dream to someday visit the country. In fact, I’ve been there on three shorter trips previously!
My favorite part of the culture is its relaxed pace, and Italy’s special focus on the arts. I myself have dabbled in all sorts of art mediums from sketching to crochet, and I was especially captivated by the many museums of Italian art that I visited during my past trips. But then I was a tourist, and now I am instead looking forward to some full immersion within the culture! Siena is a beautiful little town with centuries of history to it, and I am eager to explore it this summer!