E-mail: zdarsee@nd.edu
Language: German
Location of Study: Berlin, Germany
Program of Study: Intensive German Courses, Goethe Institute
Sponsors: The Center for the Study of Languages
Visit Zoe’s Blog
Zoe Darsee is a graduate candidate for the Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Poetry). They are co-founder of the publishing project TABLOID Press. They are interested in ideologies, structures of self, and translation, and are currently translating the early works of the German artist, translator and poet, Barbara Köhler. They have also spent most of the past semester combing through the stacks of contemporary German and Austrian poets in Hesburgh library, as well as emailing with many living and presently practicing poets in Berlin.
Accepting the SLA Grant allowed Zoe to enroll in two intensive courses at Goethe Institute in Berlin this summer. This course of intensive study will help them reach a long-held goal of gaining translational and communicative proficiency in the German language. It will be a turning point for the specifics of their collaborative publishing project and a multi-disciplinary and intercultural career. By the time they graduate from Notre Dame with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in May 2023, they will have not only a master’s degree but a high proficiency in German.
While Berlin has been home to them as an expat for over four years, this will be their first time becoming intimate with its native language. They have chosen these two courses at Goethe Institute in Berlin for their love and familiarity with Berlin. It is a fabulous opportunity for them to study the German language in the place they call home, thanks to the SLA Grant.