Off to Germany!

T-Minus four days until my flight to Germany!! I am so excited but am running out of time to complete errands. Even though I leave on Saturday, everything feels very distant yet urgent all at once. As I am only bringing a backpack, I do not even know if all of my clothes will fit. My baggage situation is my fault, yet I know it will be easier when I travel. 

Since I am a professional overthinker, I’ve dissected too many possibilities about my German intensive course. After pushing myself in my last German class, the complete immersion will support my foundational German, so that I become a competent German speaker. Between the course and the homestay, my speaking abilities will grow and help me in future German courses; moreover, I’m living with two other students with different first languages, so I can practice German with them. When I stayed with a host family for only two weeks in high school, my German oral and comprehension skills greatly improved; thus, my skills will hopefully progress.

My time abroad will focus my learning on my pronunciation and grammar skills, so I can easily use them in real life. I hope my German skills improve, so that I can enjoy museums and other historical landmarks in the original language. While English may be offered at different cultural events, utilizing my German skills will enhance my experiences. I think the complete separation from a familiar environment will broaden my perspective about cultural ideas and help me become more independent. Moreover, the time away will build my confidence in myself, as my summer completely depends on my actions – I can determine my activities, catering to my preferences. This summer, I am excited for my growth and development and cannot wait to share everything. 

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