Surreal! Simit and Some Ground Rules

After months of applying, and hoping that everything works out, I am finally flying to Turkey tomorrow morning! My plans were on hold until I finally received my Student Visa only ten days ago. It feels very surreal, but a very long-awaited for trip! So far, I have learned Turkish only through online resources, private tutors, and TV shows. But in only 24 hours, I will be speaking and hearing Turkish in-person, and this time it is not through a laptop screen. In only 24 hours, I will have a view of the Bosphorus from my dorm room and Simit (Turkish bagel) sellers minutes from where I stay. Surreal!

As excited as I am, I want to ensure that I truly engage in this experience fully, and experience all the opportunities that come with it. During my time in Turkey, I want to be able to use every opportunity to enrich my Turkish language. To do this, I have decided to set some ground rules for myself:
1. I will try my hardest to communicate my thoughts and ideas only in Turkish, even if the person I am talking to speaks English.
2. I will not be discouraged by the inevitable language mistakes that I will be making. After all, it is a natural and important part of learning!
3. I plan to be open and welcoming to new experiences.

With these set as a guide throughout my stay in Turkey, I hope to not only maximize the language benefits but also gain a new perspective to view life with. During this experience, I will step outside of my comfort zone to challenge my language skills and make deep connections with new people. Overall, I very excited for all the growth that will occur during the program and in Turkey.

Hawraa Al Janabi

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Hello! My name is Hawraa Al Janabi, and I was born in United Arab Emirates to Iraqi parents. Growing up both in Dubai and California, I have been surrounded with a plethora of cultures, traditions, languages, and ways of life. From a young age, I have been curious about learning other languages, which would allow me to explore a new culture. At the University of Notre Dame, I am double majoring in Neuroscience & Behavior and Spanish, with the hopes of going into the medical field. One of my main motivators for learning languages is to hopefully be able to communicate with my future patients without having a language to be the barrier to better healthcare. Whether it has been learning Spanish or Turkish, I am very passionate about connecting with people from other cultures by breaking down the language barrier. This summer, I am really ecstatic to attend Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. Through the Turkish Summer Language and Culture Program, I hope to improve my conversational and written Turkish skills. Additionally, I am excited to be immersed in the rich culture of Turkey, and specifically the culture of Istanbul that blends both the east and the west. My passion for learning Turkish started as a spontaneous way to spend time during COVID lockdowns. Now, this passion has grown from me self-learning through TV shows and A1 books, to finally visiting the beautiful country of Turkey!