Rome is Rome and Siena is Home

Prior to arriving in Siena, I was already terrified. Don’t get me wrong; I was very excited too, but it was going to be the first time I would be completely on my own which I feel is reasonably daunting for anyone. Despite being scared though, I was determined to embrace the venture outside of my comfort zone and open up my mind to the possibilities of individual travel. Learning the language posed a similar anxiety, as I was worried I might fall behind my peers. Throughout the course of my program, I came to realize the impact of immersion in a language. Being in a classroom just doesn’t compare to living among the people who speak it fluently. I had amazing instructors who were not only encouraging and patient, but they were kind and warm. Attending the Dante Alighieri school felt like learning alongside lifelong friends and family, even with the people I’d just met. 

I won’t say that the beginning of my stay in Siena was an easy one because it wasn’t. I was very scared and, like my instructor reminded me regularly, I worried too much. After about a week or so of settling into a routine, I felt more confident and capable of straying from it with purpose. I was able to practice my language skills and participate in class activities without being scared of messing up. I learned that learning a language takes practice, and most things in life are like that too. Starting from comfort takes practice, straying from a routine takes practice, and pushing confidence takes practice too.

The best advice I could give to someone looking to partake in a summer language study, is to trust that no matter how daunting it may seem, the nerves do not compare to the joy and excitement of participating in learning about what you love. Learning a language is a beautiful endeavor to engage in, and taking that leap into language immersion is exhilarating. I have made some of the best memories of my life over the last few weeks, met incredible people in the process, and I am so grateful for the opportunities I was given to learn about life and culture through a different lens.