Journaling Reflection

Looking back on my trip now about a month removed I wanted to take the time to discuss something I have made a habit of during this trip and how it has affected me.

Throughout my time in Costa Rica I took up the habit of journaling. I wanted it to be everyday but as time went on and days became busy I ended up enjoying the every 2 day approach. I only bring this up because I have never done anything like this before, journaling. Frankly, I thought of it as only something high school girls do. But as time progressed it became my favorite part of the day. Being able to unpack my thoughts, emotions, and actions for the day became essential to my growth not only as a language learner but as a young man as well.

Through this I found small things that brought me joy, realized events that made me uncomfortable, and discovered ways I can improve myself. Additionally I carried my journal everywhere I went, scribbling down notes or ideas I had and occasionally doodling my surroundings in an attempt to capture the environment without a camera. By no means am I an artist but still I was able to draw some memorable places.

What I hope to do with this blog post is convince others to journal because I believe it is a great outlet for understanding oneself and your ideas, feelings, behaviors. Being able to take a step back and review your day from an almost third person view allows for a great way to improve oneself.